Our goal is to grow as gospel witnesses by initiating 500 gospel conversations with nonbelievers and praying for 5,000 households by June 1, 2021. We are nearly five months in and we want to celebrate. To date, our church has brought 2,300 households to the Lord in prayer and we have planted 40 gospel seeds in the hearts of our neighbors across the Twin Cities. Although we may not see the immediate fruit of these small acts of obedience, we trust that God is at work in us and in our city.
You may find yourself asking, “why does it matter if I pray for a home in my neighborhood?” or “What does it matter if I share my testimony with a non-believer?”. Perhaps these actions feel insignificant, inorganic, or even awkward, and that’s okay. I too have felt these things as I walk through my neighborhood. But I have to remind myself that we are seeking obedience, not significance; growth, not comfort; partnership with Jesus, not reliance on self. And the reality is that God has chosen the witness of his people as the ordinary means by which people come to a saving faith in Jesus. We want to grow as His witnesses as we give testimony to the goodness of Jesus. As we celebrate the milestones, it has come to our attention that our methods of tracking have been confusing so we will be adjusting our tracking system. Please read about our new tracking system on our website: www.rivercitympls.com.
We are asking God to help us grow as gospel witnesses through small acts of obedience, shaky steps of faith, and humble attempts to make His name known. River City Church, let's continue to entrust these efforts to God who is able to do it. To Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.