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Thanks for being here.

Keep scrolling for the survey link. However, if you're willing to give us a second of your time, read on.

We recognize that disillusionment in institutions is a defining element of our cultural moment. It seems like everyday there is another TikTok, Instagram Post, or Newspaper article to be thrown into the pile of evidence as to why we should no longer trust the political, social, and religious institutions that have shaped our society up until this point.

As individuals that make up a religious institution, we get it. Life is messy, people are messy, and there are legitimate reasons to want to do away with the terrible things we see plastered across our social media, magazines, and podcast queues. If we're honest, this inundation of news, eroding our trust in others, is exhausting, anxiety-inducing, and isolating.

Just to put all of our cards on the table, we believe Jesus offers us an alternative way of living.

One of rest and hope.

Not one of ignorance.

Not one of paralysis.

Not one of rage.

Rest and hope.

We will be the first to admit that as an institution we are a people who have flaws. Flaws we know of and flaws we don't. But, we also have confidence in a God who has promised to redeem the brokenness of our lives one day at a time. A God who offers this gift to you as well. So, we want to extend an invitation to you, whether you are a skeptic, exploring faith, or have known Jesus for many years, to join us on this journey of restoration.

Our doors are open.

If you're not ready to walk through the doors of a church, no worries. If you explore our website and decide that we wouldn't be a good fit for where you're at in your spiritual journey, that's okay too. However, if you'd like to check us out, you can join us on a Sunday morning at 10:00 AM at the Ukrainian Event Center. You could also check out one of the events we have going on in the coming months.

We also wanted you to know that we desire to be neighbors who add value to your community, not detract from it. Neighbors who come alongside efforts that support the flourishing of the NE Community and Minneapolis as a whole. What better place to start on this journey than to learn from you - a neighbor who has had weeks, months, or years of living, working, and creating a home in Northeast. If you click the button below, you'll find a survey that will allow you to share with us your experience.

Don't worry, you won't be contacted unless you give us permission to - we aren't looking to spam your inbox. In completing the survey you'll automatically be entered to win a $100 gift card to STEPCHLD.

We don't have any affiliation with them, but we do think they're pretty cool. Plus you deserve a little something for your time, so we hope you win!

Thank you in advance.

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Thanks for being here.

Keep scrolling for the survey link. However, if you're willing to give us a second of your time, read on.

We recognize that disillusionment in institutions is a defining element of our cultural moment. It seems like everyday there is another TikTok, Instagram Post, or Newspaper article to be thrown into the pile of evidence as to why we should no longer trust the political, social, and religious institutions that have shaped our society up until this point.

As individuals that make up a religious institution, we get it. Life is messy, people are messy, and there are legitimate reasons to want to do away with the terrible things we see plastered across our social media, magazines, and podcast queues. If we're honest, this inundation of news, eroding our trust in others, is exhausting, anxiety-inducing, and isolating.

Just to put all of our cards on the table, we believe Jesus offers us an alternative way of living.

One of rest and hope.

Not one of ignorance.

Not one of paralysis.

Not one of rage.

Rest and hope.

We will be the first to admit that as an institution we are a people who have flaws. Flaws we know of and flaws we don't. But, we also have confidence in a God who has promised to redeem the brokenness of our lives one day at a time. A God who offers this gift to you as well. So, we want to extend an invitation to you, whether you are a skeptic, exploring faith, or have known Jesus for many years, to join us on this journey of restoration.

Our doors are open.

If you're not ready to walk through the doors of a church, no worries. If you explore our website and decide that we wouldn't be a good fit for where you're at in your spiritual journey, that's okay too. However, if you'd like to check us out, you can join us on a Sunday morning at 10:00 AM at the Ukrainian Event Center. You could also check out one of the events we have going on in the coming months.

We also wanted you to know that we desire to be neighbors who add value to your community, not detract from it. Neighbors who come alongside efforts that support the flourishing of the NE Community and Minneapolis as a whole. What better place to start on this journey than to learn from you - a neighbor who has had weeks, months, or years of living, working, and creating a home in Northeast. If you click the button below, you'll find a survey that will allow you to share with us your experience.

Don't worry, you won't be contacted unless you give us permission to - we aren't looking to spam your inbox. In completing the survey you'll automatically be entered to win a $100 gift card to STEPCHLD.

We don't have any affiliation with them, but we do think they're pretty cool. Plus you deserve a little something for your time, so we hope you win!

Thank you in advance.

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Thanks for being here.

Keep scrolling for the survey link. However, if you're willing to give us a second of your time, read on.

We recognize that disillusionment in institutions is a defining element of our cultural moment. It seems like everyday there is another TikTok, Instagram Post, or Newspaper article to be thrown into the pile of evidence as to why we should no longer trust the political, social, and religious institutions that have shaped our society up until this point.

As individuals that make up a religious institution, we get it. Life is messy, people are messy, and there are legitimate reasons to want to do away with the terrible things we see plastered across our social media, magazines, and podcast queues. If we're honest, this inundation of news, eroding our trust in others, is exhausting, anxiety-inducing, and isolating.

Just to put all of our cards on the table, we believe Jesus offers us an alternative way of living.

One of rest and hope.

Not one of ignorance.

Not one of paralysis.

Not one of rage.

Rest and hope.

We will be the first to admit that as an institution we are a people who have flaws. Flaws we know of and flaws we don't. But, we also have confidence in a God who has promised to redeem the brokenness of our lives one day at a time. A God who offers this gift to you as well. So, we want to extend an invitation to you, whether you are a skeptic, exploring faith, or have known Jesus for many years, to join us on this journey of restoration.

Our doors are open.

If you're not ready to walk through the doors of a church, no worries. If you explore our website and decide that we wouldn't be a good fit for where you're at in your spiritual journey, that's okay too. However, if you'd like to check us out, you can join us on a Sunday morning at 10:00 AM at the Ukrainian Event Center. You could also check out one of the events we have going on in the coming months.

We also wanted you to know that we desire to be neighbors who add value to your community, not detract from it. Neighbors who come alongside efforts that support the flourishing of the NE Community and Minneapolis as a whole. What better place to start on this journey than to learn from you - a neighbor who has had weeks, months, or years of living, working, and creating a home in Northeast. If you click the button below, you'll find a survey that will allow you to share with us your experience.

Don't worry, you won't be contacted unless you give us permission to - we aren't looking to spam your inbox. In completing the survey you'll automatically be entered to win a $100 gift card to STEPCHLD.

We don't have any affiliation with them, but we do think they're pretty cool. Plus you deserve a little something for your time, so we hope you win!

Thank you in advance.

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Thanks for being here.

Keep scrolling for the survey link. However, if you're willing to give us a second of your time, read on.

We recognize that disillusionment in institutions is a defining element of our cultural moment. It seems like everyday there is another TikTok, Instagram Post, or Newspaper article to be thrown into the pile of evidence as to why we should no longer trust the political, social, and religious institutions that have shaped our society up until this point.

As individuals that make up a religious institution, we get it. Life is messy, people are messy, and there are legitimate reasons to want to do away with the terrible things we see plastered across our social media, magazines, and podcast queues. If we're honest, this inundation of news, eroding our trust in others, is exhausting, anxiety-inducing, and isolating.

Just to put all of our cards on the table, we believe Jesus offers us an alternative way of living.

One of rest and hope.

Not one of ignorance.

Not one of paralysis.

Not one of rage.

Rest and hope.

We will be the first to admit that as an institution we are a people who have flaws. Flaws we know of and flaws we don't. But, we also have confidence in a God who has promised to redeem the brokenness of our lives one day at a time. A God who offers this gift to you as well. So, we want to extend an invitation to you, whether you are a skeptic, exploring faith, or have known Jesus for many years, to join us on this journey of restoration.

Our doors are open.

If you're not ready to walk through the doors of a church, no worries. If you explore our website and decide that we wouldn't be a good fit for where you're at in your spiritual journey, that's okay too. However, if you'd like to check us out, you can join us on a Sunday morning at 10:00 AM at the Ukrainian Event Center. You could also check out one of the events we have going on in the coming months.

We also wanted you to know that we desire to be neighbors who add value to your community, not detract from it. Neighbors who come alongside efforts that support the flourishing of the NE Community and Minneapolis as a whole. What better place to start on this journey than to learn from you - a neighbor who has had weeks, months, or years of living, working, and creating a home in Northeast. If you click the button below, you'll find a survey that will allow you to share with us your experience.

Don't worry, you won't be contacted unless you give us permission to - we aren't looking to spam your inbox. In completing the survey you'll automatically be entered to win a $100 gift card to STEPCHLD.

We don't have any affiliation with them, but we do think they're pretty cool. Plus you deserve a little something for your time, so we hope you win!

Thank you in advance.

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Thanks for being here.

Keep scrolling for the survey link. However, if you're willing to give us a second of your time, read on.

We recognize that disillusionment in institutions is a defining element of our cultural moment. It seems like everyday there is another TikTok, Instagram Post, or Newspaper article to be thrown into the pile of evidence as to why we should no longer trust the political, social, and religious institutions that have shaped our society up until this point.

As individuals that make up a religious institution, we get it. Life is messy, people are messy, and there are legitimate reasons to want to do away with the terrible things we see plastered across our social media, magazines, and podcast queues. If we're honest, this inundation of news, eroding our trust in others, is exhausting, anxiety-inducing, and isolating.

Just to put all of our cards on the table, we believe Jesus offers us an alternative way of living.

One of rest and hope.

Not one of ignorance.

Not one of paralysis.

Not one of rage.

Rest and hope.

We will be the first to admit that as an institution we are a people who have flaws. Flaws we know of and flaws we don't. But, we also have confidence in a God who has promised to redeem the brokenness of our lives one day at a time. A God who offers this gift to you as well. So, we want to extend an invitation to you, whether you are a skeptic, exploring faith, or have known Jesus for many years, to join us on this journey of restoration.

Our doors are open.

If you're not ready to walk through the doors of a church, no worries. If you explore our website and decide that we wouldn't be a good fit for where you're at in your spiritual journey, that's okay too. However, if you'd like to check us out, you can join us on a Sunday morning at 10:00 AM at the Ukrainian Event Center. You could also check out one of the events we have going on in the coming months.

We also wanted you to know that we desire to be neighbors who add value to your community, not detract from it. Neighbors who come alongside efforts that support the flourishing of the NE Community and Minneapolis as a whole. What better place to start on this journey than to learn from you - a neighbor who has had weeks, months, or years of living, working, and creating a home in Northeast. If you click the button below, you'll find a survey that will allow you to share with us your experience.

Don't worry, you won't be contacted unless you give us permission to - we aren't looking to spam your inbox. In completing the survey you'll automatically be entered to win a $100 gift card to STEPCHLD.

We don't have any affiliation with them, but we do think they're pretty cool. Plus you deserve a little something for your time, so we hope you win!

Thank you in advance.

Start Survey Now ->

Keep scrolling for the survey link. However, if you're willing to give us a second of your time, read on.

We recognize that disillusionment in institutions is a defining element of our cultural moment. It seems like everyday there is another TikTok, Instagram Post, or Newspaper article to be thrown into the pile of evidence as to why we should no longer trust the political, social, and religious institutions that have shaped our society up until this point.

As individuals that make up a religious institution, we get it. Life is messy, people are messy, and there are legitimate reasons to want to do away with the terrible things we see plastered across our social media, magazines, and podcast queues. If we're honest, this inundation of news, eroding our trust in others, is exhausting, anxiety-inducing, and isolating.

Just to put all of our cards on the table, we believe Jesus offers us an alternative way of living.

One of rest and hope.

Not one of ignorance.

Not one of paralysis.

Not one of rage.

Rest and hope.

We will be the first to admit that as an institution we are a people who have flaws. Flaws we know of and flaws we don't. But, we also have confidence in a God who has promised to redeem the brokenness of our lives one day at a time. A God who offers this gift to you as well. So, we want to extend an invitation to you, whether you are a skeptic, exploring faith, or have known Jesus for many years, to join us on this journey of restoration.

Our doors are open.

If you're not ready to walk through the doors of a church, no worries. If you explore our website and decide that we wouldn't be a good fit for where you're at in your spiritual journey, that's okay too. However, if you'd like to check us out, you can join us on a Sunday morning at 10:00 AM at the Ukrainian Event Center. You could also check out one of the events we have going on in the coming months.

We also wanted you to know that we desire to be neighbors who add value to your community, not detract from it. Neighbors who come alongside efforts that support the flourishing of the NE Community and Minneapolis as a whole. What better place to start on this journey than to learn from you - a neighbor who has had weeks, months, or years of living, working, and creating a home in Northeast. If you click the button below, you'll find a survey that will allow you to share with us your experience.

Don't worry, you won't be contacted unless you give us permission to - we aren't looking to spam your inbox. In completing the survey you'll automatically be entered to win a $100 gift card to STEPCHLD.

We don't have any affiliation with them, but we do think they're pretty cool. Plus you deserve a little something for your time, so we hope you win!

Thank you in advance.

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